Many Digital Agencies are Suffocating and they don’t understand why…

How I Closed 177 Clients on a Brand New 'Pay-Per Show' Model...

....and Why I Ditched the Monthly Retainer Model for a NEW WAY to Get and KEEP Clients in 2021...

Dear Agency Owner,

I've got some really, really, really unfortunate news to share. 


And the "agency bubble" is about to burst...

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I want to share with you a quick little story...

In March 2020, everything I’d worked for up until that point was crashing down... 

My agency, Atlas Digital had over 200 clients…

But COVID hit, they were dropping like flies…

Can you imagine getting dozens of refund requests and cancellations in a matter of 48 hours…?

It was a total nightmare...

We needed to find a way to REMOVE THE RISK for our clients.

That way, they would be willing to stay on with us (even through all the chaos & uncertainty…)

So we thought to ourselves…

“What if they ONLY got charged when a lead actually shows up to their appointment?”

THAT👆...was the 
"Million-Dollar Question"

Because since that day — we’ve closed HUNDREDS of clients with a NEW model that removes all their risk.

It’s called the ‘Pay-Per Show Model’ 

Here’s how it works:

In the past, you sign up a client, 
run some FB and IG ads 
& get them a lot of leads…

Maybe you help them with a little bit of the nurturing 
and do some of the follow-up... 

They pay a FIXED $1,500 per month 

(sometimes a little more)

But it’s NOT cutting it anymore...

Business owners are sick of having to take on all the risk…

This is making it difficult to GET and KEEP clients…

Not to mention you’re CAPPING your income… 

For example…
Have you ever had a client make BANK, but you’re still only getting paid $1,500-$2,000?

One time I had a client make SIX-FIGURES…

...and I only made $1,500

Then they literally CANCELLED.

With the PPS model, that would NEVER happen…

Because you can scale your income on a PER-CLIENT basis

With that same client, I could’ve made an extra $20k- $30k for the EXACT same service...running the same ads…

That’s why the Retainer Model is DEAD.

But if you ignore this warning, there’s a good chance the market will ‘sophisticate’....faster than you’re able to innovate

You've probably already started to see agencies in your niche switching to this model...

And when more of this starts to happen…

Your ads get more and more expensive (because your offer looks less & less appealing every day)

Your retention rate steadily drops (as your valued clients set their sights on something new, with less risk...)

And rest assured, when your clients see your bill come out of their account every month, it will be a reminder to cancel…

If that’s not scary enough…

Billionaires like Ray Dalio and Michael Burry (from the big short) warn that a PAINFUL market correction is coming... 

I’m no billionaire hedge fund financier….

But I do know that even in a DOWN economy...

SMART business owners will ALWAYS invest in…

💸 What gets them closest to their next sale... 

💸 With the least amount of risk... 

💸 In the most efficient way…

So until the Agency-Retainer-Bubble bursts, you can capitalize on the bubble right alongside your clients…

And I’m going to help you do it… 

We’re OFFICIALLY launching a brand-new program on how to transition your agency to the Pay-Per Show model…

So if you’re wondering how to move FAST and become an early adopter…

PLUS also locking in a spot for your niche BEFORE anyone else... 

All you have to do it click the link below to apply and then schedule a complimentary process audit to see whether or not this model is for you

"This all sounds great, but how do I know you're not some fake guru?"

I don't blame you for being skeptical.

But after hearing the stories below of agency owners just like you....

You might see the difference between all the fake gurus out there..

....and someone who's actually done something that wasn't selling info-products...

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Joel...

Please excuse my pink flamingo floaty...

I couldn't find my lambo pic :/

Anyways, I've helped hundreds of aspiring and successful agency owners turn their solopreneur-headache into a thriving business.

Through our unique support system including daily coaching on ads, sales, retention, fulfillment and operations by REAL experts...

Smart Agency Owners are finally able to quit ALL repetitive and menial tasks...including *but not limited to*

Sales calls, managing client ads, talking to clients, etc

Pretty much anything out of your zone of genius...

If you're looking for daily coaching and accountability, cutting-edge strategies, and a proven way to scale a Pay-Per Show agency, then click here and fill out the application on the next page.

But if you'd like to hear from some our best clients then watch the videos below.



"From $13k per month to $140k per month."

Dan Tieman


"I'd built a money-making trap that I couldn't escape from..."

Nicholas Korom


"We closed 8 clients in just two days."

Sage Mauk


"I Paid Joel Kaplan... It Was Damn Well Worth It"



"I Got A 2 Comma Club Award"



"Our Schedule Is Packed Out With Calls... Absolutely Packed With Quality People"

Jordan & Katie


"My Agency Had Nothing"

Danny Tran


"Always Question Agency Gurus..."

John Danes


"Imma Buy Myself A Tesla"

Luis Trevino



But Let's Face it...

In today’s current market climate, many digital marketing agencies are suffocating...and they don’t understand why.

Some have migrated to a new niche...

Others have gotten out of the game completely…

But regardless of what method you’re using to get clients, selling retainers in 2021 will have you face-to-face with an UGLY truth:

The market has changed. 

Due to rising competition & lack of certainty in the near economic future, typical consumers of Agency services are looking to MINIMIZE RISK…

Premium prospects with big budgets do NOT want to pay ridiculous upfront fees in exchange for “leads” or “appointments” anymore...

They’re now putting massive emphasis on how to squeeze every last drop out of their advertising dollars (aka COST EFFICIENCY)...

That leads us to an important question:

"What’s the best way to scale a digital marketing agency to 7-figures WHILE removing the risk for clients in 2021?"

The purpose of this guide is to give you the answer.

We’ll explore the 4 performance models and show you which one produced the most revenue last year for my agency.

Plus, we’ll even reveal the 3-prong system that makes this work for almost any niche.

No matter what you’ve heard or what your experience has been with the performance model, I assure you that what you’re about to hear is NEW and what’s revolutionizing the industry in 2021…

Before I dive into the 4 models, there's something you should know...


WARNING: The performance model is for agencies who actually deliver results for clients. If that’s not you then I’m sorry but this model will not work... 

With performance you can get ALL the upside of having an ‘Easy-Yes Offer’ making it a breeze to close boatloads of clients. 

That being said, you MUST be able to perform, i.e. actually produce results for your clients.

The biggest reason for this is because you take on a lot more risk, which sounds like a negative...but if you stick with me I’ll show you how it will put 2-5x more money in your pocket PER CLIENT…

...IF you’re good :)


**no agency owners were harmed in the making of this gif

I’m not going to spend a lot of time explaining WHAT the retainer model is but just so we’re clear on definitions here…

The Retainer Model is where you charge a FIXED amount of money per month for your agency services.

The Performance Model is where you get comped PROPORTIONALLY based on the value you bring to your client.


Why You Should Move Away From Selling Retainers...?

Here's 7 reasons why marketing agencies [even those who're doing well] selling retainers might want to switch....

#1 - You can get leads/booked calls from ads really cheap, and fill your calendar at a fraction of the cost your competitors do

This is only important if you care about being profitable.

In a saturated market, our costs began to steadily rise...

But the moment we changed our messaging to reflect our brand new Pay-Per Show offer...qualified prospects were chomping at the BIT to speak with us...

We know this because our ad costs dropped by almost 50%.

If that doesn't pique your interest then maybe you rely more heavily on cold email, LinkedIn, or referrals to get clients...

Since that's the case, you'll LOVE the next reason to move your agency to a Pay-Per Show model...

#2 - Organic outreach becomes much more effective, lowering your overall cost per acquisition

For about 6 or so months I went through a "cold email is dead" phase...

Truthfully it sort of was for my agency...

Being in business for over 3 years, we probably hit our entire niche 5 or 6 times.

But after our ad costs decreased, we thought it'd be a good idea to take this offer to organic outreach..

In doing so, our response rates nearly TRIPLED overnight...

What's amazing is that this barely costs my agency any money, so after factoring the revenue from cold email in our overall cost to GET a client is lowered even further...!

And it's all thanks to the next reason to transition to a performance-based model agency...

#3 - You have the satisfaction (and financial benefits) of having  THE BEST offer on the market

It's sort of like having the biggest car or the nicest house on the block...

People notice...specifically your market.

Word spreads fast when you're adding as much value as you will with a Pay-Per Show agency.

What else does that mean?


(even though you'll probably be having to turn some of them away...)

But no matter which source your new client comes from...

With this model...

#4 - Your income-per-client becomes UNCAPPED as you’re now a true partner who shares in the profits

That means, when your clients makes get your rightful share of the profits.

No more "hoping for a testimonial" after doing exceptional work...

Specifically, this means that as your client scales up, they'll require more facetime/phone with they can make more sales...

You'll begin to get text messages like this...

"Hey Joel, things are going GREAT but we'd really like to amp things up next month. What can we do?"

 Say no more.

All we have to do is crank up the ad spend...then over the next 30 days — the client gets more "shows" ergo we bill them more "money"

See how that works? :-)

#5 - It will make you more appealing to “Whale Clients” who might just account for 80% of your revenue (if you set it up correctly)

When you get everything dialed in I highly recommend you go after some bigger fish...

Who are these "bigger fish" and how could they make up 80% of your revenue with the PPS model?

I'm talking about six-figure deals with franchises and corporations where you can be their GO-TO agency...

And those will definitely come in handy...

#6 - If the economy collapses, you’ll be much more likely to succeed (even through all the chaos and uncertainty)

I'm not one to speculate on the future of the economy but these are some weird times...right?

When COVID hit, I learned that my business's foundation was fundamentally flawed...

Being that everyone was restricting, I knew I had to make it easier for others to do business with me...

That's what the "Pay-Per Show" model was born out of...

It removes all the risk so that even in times of chaos or uncertainty, our prospects can still say yes (without it feeling like a total gamble.)

#7 - If you don’t the market will “sophisticate” faster than you’re able to innovate, and brand new agencies who seized this opportunity will end up with all clients.

This is just a fancy way of saying that if you fail to innovate...others will.

Those that innovate

After hearing these 7’d be silly to ignore this

Now you can start to see why the market is shifting…

And why the performance model is likely the BEST client acquisition model in the industry for 2021…

So without further ado, let’s get into the different types of performance models.

4 Performance-Based 
Agency Models

Each model has its pros and cons, and in order to make an  informed decision I recommend you do your homework...

To make it easy for you, I break down each model in summary format. 

Model #1: Pay Per Lead


You charge a fixed amount per lead for your clients (i.e. Name, Email, Phone Number) and they compensate you based on how many “leads” you send them


 You still have the potential to “uncap” your income-per-client

 Some clients/industries may still prefer this model


 Clients will typically fight you tooth and nail if a lead is “unqualified” and refunds/increased need for support will eat away at your profit margins

 Your offer isn’t as sexy compared to every other type of performance model (This makes your ad costs higher and organic outreach less effective)

 Clients don’t tend to stick around too long, because there’s many other options (including the ones you’re about to see)

 You’re competing with HomeAdvisor, Zillow, and other massive corporations who’ve spent nearly a decade or longer building their organic and paid acquisition systems 

Model #2: Pay Per Appointment


You charge a fixed amount per “scheduled appointment” for your clients (i.e. they book an appointment online) and they compensate you based on how many “appointments” you get them


 You still have the potential to “uncap” your income-per-client

 Some clients/industries may still prefer this model


 If your show-rate is not pristine, then clients will start to resent you for charging them for appointments (even when they don’t show up)

 Retention rate is eerily similar to the average “retention model” agency (avg 1-3 months)

Model #3: Pay Per Close


You charge a fixed amount per “actual closed sale” for your clients and they compensate you based on how many actual sales they close from the leads you generate.


 You still have the potential to “uncap” your income-per-client

 MOST clients/industries may prefer this model


 It’s virtually impossible to track 

 Clients can screw you out of a lot of money

Model #4: Pay Per Show**


You charge a fixed amount per “appointment that shows” for your clients and they compensate you based on how many “conversations” they have with the leads you generate for them


 “Uncaps” your income-per-client

 MOST clients/industries may still prefer this model

 This gives you an EASY-YES offer to bring to the market which will make it 1000x easier to get clients from ads/organic methods

 Much easier to scale

 Clients tend to stick around MUCH longer

 Less risk to biz owner easier to get foot in the door

 Payment is proportional to the value you bring

 You have more control

 You don’t need as many clients


 You have to be good at getting clients results, and you can’t fake it…

Now you can see why 'Pay-Per Show' is going to take over your niche in the next 12 months...

To sum things up...

Here is the 'Pay-Per Show' model broken down into 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Generate Lead (FB ads, IG ads, YT ads)

Step 2: Book Appointment (via: Call Center, Artificial Intelligence, follow-up, Virtual Assistants)

Step 3: Confirm Appointment (via text/call or honesty system, then charge client)

...but will 'Pay-Per Show' work for your niche?

If you follow our 3-pronged approach there are few very niches this will NOT work...

Off the top of my head I don't recommend this for Restaurants.

And although we've helped at least a dozen marketing agencies in the E-Commerce niche scale to 6 & 7 figures...

'Pay-Per Show' doesn't make sense for e-com...but many agencies do operate on a performance model (pay-per sale)

"Okay, so it works for my niche — but how do I track when a lead actually shows up to their appointment? "

There's 3 ways we verify the leads actually show up (so we can get paid...) and we recommend you use all three

1. The Honor System - This is when the client marks the lead as "showed" but if you only rely on this, you'll probably get ripped off.

2. Remote Call Center - With the right scripts you can easily have your brand new remote call center confirming directly with the leads, plus they can also transfer the calls LIVE directly to your clients...marking the lead as showed

3. Text Confirmation - Using automation, AI, or even Virtual Assistants you can use our SMS confirmation scripts to confirm directly with the lead.

"...and how do I charge my client?"

That's easy...

We set you up with a software where every time a lead is marked as "shown" by any/all of the 3 methods listed above...

Your client is automatically billed and everything is TRACKED (nice and pretty).

So far we've covered...

 The 4 Different Performance Models...

 Why you should transition to a performance model...

 Why 'Pay-Per Show' is the best option...

 The PPS Model Broken Down into 3 Simple Steps

 How to Track Everything

 How to Charge Clients When a Lead Shows

 Who that guy in the pink floaty is...

But there's only question left to answer....

Will Pay-Per Show
Become the NEW Standard?

(very important....please read)

This is inevitable.

...and if you think your sales process won’t be affected by an uprise of just one or two Pay-Per Show agencies in your niche..

Then you may not understand the severity of the situation.

You might already be a great salesperson, but you’re going to encounter new objections like,

“The other agency said they only charge me when a lead shows up, do you do that?”

How’re you going to handle that…?

Fact is, you’re going up against a better offer. 

And if you want to stay in business,’ll cave and make the switch to PPS...

Maybe when you find out a newbie sales rep is wiping the floor with you? LOL 

By then…

Will it be too late?

Picture one other agency owner in your niche if you can...maybe you bumped into them in a Facebook group…

Maybe you stalked or “funnel-hacked” them because it looked like they were more established than you...

Got at least one in your head? 


Chances are, if you’re watching this right now — they’ve either already seen this and are taking action as you read this...or they’ll see it within a couple days.

And let’s pretend you’re my biggest skeptic for a moment, you’re set in the old “Retainer Model” ways…a laggard. Aka you don’t take anything I’m saying seriously and you go about your day.

But your friendly-competitor drools at the thought of having a UNIQUE advantage over you, so he opens his mind up and finds the little button on this page, then submits an application. 

He shows up to the call on-time, ready to ask questions and see if this is truly for him.

After hearing about all the different coaches and how much support he was getting — your competition puts the first payment on a credit card and gets right to work...taking FULL “first-mover advantage” for his niche.

He follows the program to a TEE until he understands the strategies well enough to innovate…

That’s right when you start to see him posting win...after WIN….AFTER WIN…

His ads are everywhere...  

Now you realize what he’s been up to, and you’re already months of behind.

That’s the feeling of regret.

...and it cuts DEEP.

But the good news is that pain is preventable…as long as you open your mind up to the possibility that this might actually be “your time”

That you might actually deserve all the blood sweat and tears you’ve been putting into your business to finally mean something.

The easiest way to minimize regret is to take immediate action right now, in the moment...

Still On The Fence?

Hey I get it...

This probably isn't the first time you were hesitant about making a decision that might drastically affect your immediate future.

But don't let fear hold you back...

In fact, there's ZERO risk to submitting your application today. 

All it does is lock you in for a spot to become the first (or one of the few) Pay-Per Show marketing agencies in your niche.

But if that's not enough...

Here's My Promise to You...

If you feel like we wasted your time on the call, we'll mail you a check for $100 just for wasting your time.

Dmitry C
Greg Watson - Finance Of America
what Real Estate gurus do when they want coaching
Nick C- The Legion of Loan Officers
Growing His Mortgage Company Fast!
Meet Grant  - Stewardship Mortgage.
He said "Actionable items that work. No fluff. No cheap talk. Real action that produce real results!
Bobby has blown me away with his lead generation strategies. 
Meet Chase 
He said "He's been a mentor to myself and our team. He's been able to guide us through scaling but most importantly DELIVERING for your clients."
Rob and Bobby have introduced us to so many amazing strategies.
Meet Marc 
He said "We run a digital marketing agency for select clients in the mortgage industry. Our clients have experienced results they never imagined possible. These guys are the real deal."
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Finally, click below to listen to the recorded sales call where I show you how easy it is to close 5-figure deals using the data and strategies we give our partners.